Though I have been going to Anza Borrego Desert State Park for over 20 years, the time I spent there with David and Jennifer helped me slow down and see Borrego in a new and deeper way. Their expert knowledge of light , setting and moment allowed me to capture meaningful and personal images that reflect the beauty of what at first glance appears a harsh and unforgiving environment.
Image review and processing sessions lead by David and Jennifer provided not only the tools but also insight on how to truly make our images our own.
If you can go on only one Workshop - go with David and Jennifer and you won't be disappointed.
Full disclosure, I am a repeat client having done past workshops with David and Jennifer. There is a very good reason for that; they are simply the BEST. Everything is done with intention and consideration. Consideration concerning their clients, consideration concerning locations , and consideration concerning locations vis a vis real time weather conditions. No flying by the seat of one's pants. The locations have been scouted in advance, so when weather conditions rapidly change, they know which location would be best for that day's weather. This workshop was unique because we went to locations that are not often visited by workshops. They were harder to get to, and in two cases for sure, required a Jeep for safe travel. We went everywhere in a Jeep. Sure a few spots might have been accessible by rental car, but why risk getting stuck and ruining the workshop for all. Their teaching style is kind and helpful. It is never about what they insist you should photograph, but rather helping you to better accomplish what you envision. Ask yourself if you just want to take images that everyone else takes, or if you would rather be in a space where you can be yourself and take the images that speak to you. If it's that later, then David and Jennifer will exceed your expectations. The first workshop I took with them, I barely knew how to operate my camera, and yet I left with a feeling that I could get better and really enjoy this hobby. It doesn't matter what level photographer you are, you can be you and always be supported.
Both Jennifer and David are excellent photographers and teachers including post processing. In addition, their in-depth knowledge of the locations Makes for a well rounded workshop. They are the best!
David and Jennifer were a great team and did a superb job in organizing daily trips, lectures, and portfolio reviews. All outings were of high quality and easy to get to. This workshop rekindled my love and excitement for photography. The workshop participants were all at a high level in both knowledge and artistry. Both instructors were very helpful for technical problems in the field with David using Canon and Jennifer using Nikon. We all enjoyed the camaraderie over the workshop and I liked it so much I signed up for the Yellowstone workshop later this year. I also received a book of a selection of photos taken by the participants which was a reminder of how well everyone did over the week. In summary, this is a low key, non competitive and warm workshop that will go a surprisingly long way in improving your technical and conceptual expertise in photography.