Lightroom sharpened image of Yellowstone

Mastering Raw Sharpening in Lightroom

Author: David Kingham


Time to read 2 min

Raw sharpening is a crucial step in the digital photography workflow, often overlooked but essential for achieving professional-quality results. Unlike the JPEG previews on your camera's LCD, which have already undergone in-camera sharpening, Raw files start soft and unprocessed. This blog post will guide you through the intricacies of Raw sharpening in Lightroom, helping you reduce inherent softness without introducing unwanted artifacts.

The Importance of Raw Sharpening in Lightroom

Raw files contain a wealth of data but lack the sharpening applied to JPEGs. Proper Raw sharpening serves to:

  • Reduce the inherent softness of Raw files
  • Prepare your image for further processing
  • Lay the foundation for final output sharpening

Remember, Raw sharpening is not about creating a razor-sharp final image; it's about reducing softness while preserving image quality. Overdoing it at this stage can lead to problems later.

The Detail Slider Dilemma

While Lightroom's sharpening tools are powerful, they can be a double-edged sword. The Detail slider, in particular, can be problematic if not used judiciously. Here's why:

  • Artifact Introduction: Even at moderate settings, the Detail slider can introduce unwanted artifacts into your image.
  • Cumulative Effect: These artifacts, though subtle initially, can become more pronounced as you progress through your editing workflow.
  • Impact on Final Output: Artifacts introduced during Raw sharpening can be exacerbated during output sharpening for print or web.
Lightroom sharpening example with artifacts
Example of artifacts introduced by high Detail amount

To illustrate this point, the image above shows an extreme example of artifacts introduced by aggressive use of the Detail slider. While you'd never use such extreme settings in practice, it demonstrates the type of artifacts to watch out for.

Two Artifact-Avoiding Methods

I’ve developed two methods to achieve clean, artifact-free raw sharpening. Your choice between them will depend on your image characteristics and personal preference.

Method 1: Low Detail, High Radius

This method prioritizes artifact-free sharpening:

  • Set the Detail slider to 0
  • Increase the Amount slider to 100-150
  • Set the Radius between 0.8 and 1.2
Lightroom sharpening with low detail and high amount
Method 1 Example with low Detail, high Amount and Radius

By eliminating detail enhancement, this method allows for higher overall sharpening without introducing artifacts. The increased radius helps compensate for the lack of fine detail sharpening.

Method 2: High Detail, Low Radius

This approach aims to balance detail enhancement with minimal artifact introduction:

  • Set the Detail slider to 100
  • Keep the Amount slider lower (specific value depends on the image)
  • Set the Radius to 0.5
Lightroom sharpening with high detail and low radius
Method 2 with high Detail, low Radius, and lower Amount

This method can provide the appearance of more fine detail due to subtle artifact introduction. However, careful management of the Amount slider is crucial to prevent noticeable artifacts.

My Preferred Approach:

I lean towards Method 1. Here's why:

  • Clean Master File: It ensures my base file remains artifact-free.
  • Flexibility: It allows for more aggressive sharpening during output for web or print.
  • Superior Results: In my experience, this method often yields sharper and cleaner final images, even if Method 2 appears sharper initially.
Yellowstone norris geyser basin with lightroom sharpening
Final result using Method 1 with high web sharpening

Raw sharpening is a nuanced process that requires careful consideration. While these methods provide a solid starting point, I encourage you to experiment and find what works best for your photography style, equipment, and subjects. Remember, the goal is to create a clean, well-prepared base image that will shine in its final output, whether on screen or in print.

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